Every year, more large national chains displace locally owned businesses. Years ago there was actually a sense of community within towns. Why? Residents shopped locally to help build a strong economy.
Today, consumers are looking for “the next best deal” but what is the price we pay for this? The lack of local business due to the big-guys leaving no room for them leaves a big void in our economy.
Choosing a community-based business not only helps the survival of that business simply by providing our patronage, but also adds local character to a community. These local businesses put their blood, sweat, tears and their life savings into becoming successful. By shopping the large chains, we are directly effecting whether those small businesses will thrive or not. Not that there are not some benefits to the consumer at the large chains, but we must be reminded that we play a vital role in our community and the best way we can help is by supporting local business.
Weigh the choices you make while shopping for goods and/or services. As you spend your dollars, be sure to decide what you want for the future of your town and your neighbor’s business. You can help your local economy.